Workshop 2: Watering the Heart Root of Loving & Appreciating Our Bodies--Just as We Are! -- Thurs. May 1, 2025, 7 - 9 pm) (Click here for details)
Stigma about bodies (weight, shape, skin tones, abilities, who we love) has been a tactic to control and oppress people for far too long! Come learn practical tools to deepen knowing that you are great as you are! Build resilience against appearance-based worth & preoccupation. Get energized by connecting with self-compassion, authentic strength and your own inner wisdom!
Cost: $36 Suggested. Sliding Fee options of $24-, $36-, $49, and $59.
Stigma about bodies (weight, shape, skin tones, abilities, who we love) has been a tactic to control and oppress people for far too long! Come learn practical tools to deepen knowing that you are great as you are! Build resilience against appearance-based worth & preoccupation. Get energized by connecting with self-compassion, authentic strength and your own inner wisdom!
Cost: $36 Suggested. Sliding Fee options of $24-, $36-, $49, and $59.
Stigma about bodies (weight, shape, skin tones, abilities, who we love) has been a tactic to control and oppress people for far too long! Come learn practical tools to deepen knowing that you are great as you are! Build resilience against appearance-based worth & preoccupation. Get energized by connecting with self-compassion, authentic strength and your own inner wisdom!
Cost: $36 Suggested. Sliding Fee options of $24-, $36-, $49, and $59.
Date: (Thurs. May 1, 2025 7 - 9 pm)
Location: 6001 Lyndale Ave. S., (Studio TimeOut) Minneapolis, MN 55419
Free parking in lot and on street. On bus route.
Accessibility: ADA accessible parking & meeting room. Bathroom not fully wheelchair accessible.
Holistic, Empowering, Educational, Fun, & Engaging!
An experiential workshop for people who want to:
Gain healing and freedom from internalized oppression and stigma that’s based on how our bodies look, love, and function.
Connect with our body’s wisdom and guidance.
Appreciate and respect our bodies.
Empower ourselves with updated research findings.
Strengthen resilience against diet culture’s harmful messages.
Energize each other to pursue our wholeness, goals and desires.
Connect with joy, creativity, and innate worthiness.