Workshop 2: Watering the Heart Root of Loving & Appreciating Our Bodies--Just as We Are! -- Thurs. May 1, 2025, 7 - 9 pm) (Click here for details)

from $24.00

Stigma about bodies (weight, shape, skin tones, abilities, who we love) has been a tactic to control and oppress people for far too long! Come learn practical tools to deepen knowing that you are great as you are! Build resilience against appearance-based worth & preoccupation. Get energized by connecting with self-compassion, authentic strength and your own inner wisdom!

Cost: $36 Suggested. Sliding Fee options of $24-, $36-, $49, and $59.

Fee $24-$59 ($36 Suggested):
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Stigma about bodies (weight, shape, skin tones, abilities, who we love) has been a tactic to control and oppress people for far too long! Come learn practical tools to deepen knowing that you are great as you are! Build resilience against appearance-based worth & preoccupation. Get energized by connecting with self-compassion, authentic strength and your own inner wisdom!

Cost: $36 Suggested. Sliding Fee options of $24-, $36-, $49, and $59.

Stigma about bodies (weight, shape, skin tones, abilities, who we love) has been a tactic to control and oppress people for far too long! Come learn practical tools to deepen knowing that you are great as you are! Build resilience against appearance-based worth & preoccupation. Get energized by connecting with self-compassion, authentic strength and your own inner wisdom!

Cost: $36 Suggested. Sliding Fee options of $24-, $36-, $49, and $59.

Date: (Thurs. May 1, 2025 7 - 9 pm)

Location: 6001 Lyndale Ave. S., (Studio TimeOut) Minneapolis, MN 55419

Free parking in lot and on street. On bus route.

Accessibility: ADA accessible parking & meeting room. Bathroom not fully wheelchair accessible.

Holistic, Empowering, Educational, Fun, & Engaging!

An experiential workshop for people who want to:

  • Gain healing and freedom from internalized oppression and stigma that’s based on how our bodies look, love, and function.

  • Connect with our body’s wisdom and guidance.

  • Appreciate and respect our bodies.

  • Empower ourselves with updated research findings.

  • Strengthen resilience against diet culture’s harmful messages.

  • Energize each other to pursue our wholeness, goals and desires.

  • Connect with joy, creativity, and innate worthiness.