New album NOW AVAILABLE here!!

And streaming on all major platforms!

Workshop dates are under revision—check back soon!

Magnets, stickers, and cards available soon! Come back gain!

  • I was feeling a little physically crappy just from lack of sleep and travel stress. So I listened to this chant three times and I loved it. It was wonderful, sounded great and I love the percussion. I’m going to listen some more! Your chant ended up being the perfect little gift for me right now.


  • It's deeply needed in our world, and you're the perfect human to deliver it!


  • What’s cool and unique about this is it’s both meditative and enjoyable—you want to listen over and over to it. It’s more accessible for me than repeating spoken mantras and affirmations. They’re real songs, not spoken words w/ meditative music behind it.


Download the Album!

Order the CD!

Mindy Benowitz explores the intersections of music, mindfulness, and personal growth in her album, Watering the Heart Root of Emotional Well-Being. The music draws the listener in with gentle melodies, compelling rhythms, and empowering affirmations, with gifted guest artists adding beautiful harmonies. The album provides an engaging and accessible way to weave reassurance, healing, and inner freedom into our day-to-day lives. Click to see Album and Song Credits and Lyrics.

Workshops schedule now available! Registration open NOW!

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